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undefined Alen Hergic
Numele Hergic
Premumele Alen
Numele Artistului -
Jata Nasterii 09.06.1995
Anul Nasterii 1995
Marimea 188
Nationalitatea Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sweden
Pozitia Atacanti,Offensive allrounder
Clubul Orsa IF FK
A-Jucator In Nationala no
Website -
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Alen Hergic

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Info: Alen Hergic is a Swedish-Bosnian player who excel in all offensive position. He's left foot is feared in the local league by the goalkeepers. He can bend freekicks very well. He has also shown skill in winning the ball with his perfect glide tackles. He's only flaw really is his hot temper. Many coaches have compared him to the Milan legend Zlatan Ibrahimovic. (Fremdangabe)

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