Fotbal talent

  1. Catalog de Clubul
Sønderjysk Elitesport A/S
Asociația de Fotbal Denmark Football Association
Website Fotbal Sønderjysk Elitesport A/S
Views 1294
Club rating 0

Other football talents from Sønderjysk Elitesport A/S
Anders Østli  |  Casper Absalon Mols  |  Johan Absalonsen  |  Philip Banda Hjøllund Sørensen  |  Patrick Banggaard Jensen  |  Julius Beck  |  Emil Berggreen Vugrin  |  Ture Blaue  |  Marc Braden Pedersen  |  Thomas Dalgaard  |  Nicolai Flø Jepsen  |  Jeppe Forum Hansen  |  José Jesus Gallegos Elizondo  |  Tinus Solomon Gripping Olesen  |  Jonas Hassan Bashir  |  Mikkel Hedegaard Christensen  |  Matthew Thomas Hoppe  |  Christoffer Kongsted Remmer  |  Victor Sylvestre M'pindi Ékani  |  Nicholas Marfelt  |  Nikola Mirković  |  Søren Mussmann  |  Lukas Filip Nimb Fernandes  |  Andreas Oggesen  |  Ogenyi Edward Onazi  |  Bjørn Paulsen  |  Simon Busk Poulsen  |  Jens Rinke Kristensen  |  Jeppe Simonsen  |  Silas Dylan Songani  |  William Joël Tchuaméni Kouémo  |  Jacob Tjørnelund  |  Mikael Uhre

The following Players are on loan Sønderjysk Elitesport A/S

The following Players are sent on loan Sønderjysk Elitesport A/S
Jakob Busk Jensen  |  Mikkel Hedegaard Christensen  |  Silas Dylan Songani
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