Fotbal talent

  1. Catalog de Clubul
Asociația de Fotbal Football Association Bulgaria
Club rating 0

Other football talents from ------Archive-Professional------
Jakhongir Abdulsalam Abbasovich Abdumominov  |  Kristiyan Aleksandrov Malinov  |  Georgi Aleksnadurov Nikolov  |  Brayan Alexis Angulo León  |  Stefano Beltrame  |  Janio Bikel Figueiredo Silva  |  Bozhidar Boykov Kraev  |  Lubomir Bozhinov  |  Lyubomir Bozhinov  |  Graham Carey  |  Paulo Victor de Menezes Melo  |  Ivan Dyulgerov  |  Andrey Galabinov  |  Nikolay Georgiev Bodurov  |  Lyuben Georgiev Nikolov  |  Ivan Goranov  |  Miroslav Gospodinov  |  Edwin Gyasi  |  Nikolay Iliev  |  Plamen Iliev  |  Atanas Iliev Petrov  |  Martin Ivanov Simeonov  |  Svetoslav Kovachev  |  Thomas Lam  |  Nikolay Markov Iliev  |  Aleksandar Mitkov Kolev  |  Dimitar Mitov  |  Preslav Nikolaev Borukov  |  Aboubakar Oumarou  |  Angel Petkov Madzhirov  |  Dimitar Rangelov  |  Martin Raynov  |  Asen Rumenov Chandarov  |  Iliyan Rumenov Iliev  |  Georgi Rusev  |  Engin Samakhtin Sahmetinov Makhmud  |  Alejandro Santin Gonzalez  |  Alexandar Stanisavljevič  |  Georgi Stoichkov  |  Toni Stoichkov  |  Toni Tasev  |  Borislav Tsonev  |  Radoslav Tsonev  |  Daniel Alexander Vásquez Portillo  |  Georgi Ventsislavov Milanov  |  Petar Vitanov  |  Tonislav Yordanov Yordanov  |  Serkan Kadir Yusein

The following Players are on loan ------Archive-Professional------

The following Players are sent on loan ------Archive-Professional------
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